Between the Stone and the Flower:The Duality of the Conversos
This soon to be released documentary, covers the journey of Genie
Milgrom and her decades long quest for her Jewish lineage. Genie was born in
Havana, Cuba and raised in Miami with a full Roman Catholic schooling from
grade school through university level. She was always burdened with a deep-rooted
feeling of not belonging in her Spanish Catholic environment.
Her story follows many twists and turns as she makes the difficult
decision to convert to Judaism from the midst of a traditional Catholic family
from Spain and chooses an Orthodox route for her future.
Her family and friends are shaken to the core while Genie becomes
more and more convinced that her family was Jewish in the Iberian Peninsula,
centuries before.
Her chase for the “breadcrumbs” that were dropped by her ancestors
led her to Medieval Archives and several countries in Europe to untangle the
web of secrecy that her ancestors had created to protect themselves during very
dark times in Europe.
Together with her husband Michael, an Ashkenaz of Romanian
origins, she finally reaches the truth of her family in an engaging film that
is not to be missed!

Genie Milgrom
Genie Milgrom immersed herself in the search for her family past and along the way, she was able to document her past in several books starting with My 15 Grandmothers, How I found my 15 Grandmothers, Pyre to Fire and the Recipes of My 15 Grandmothers. All have English and Spanish versions and have received several awards. She is the Past President of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Miami, Past President of the Society for Crypto Judaic Studies in Colorado having served on both for 8 years. She is the President of Tarbut Sefarad in Fermoselle and is a senior advisor to the Jewish Heritage Alliance and the Society for Crypto Judaic Studies.
She also writes for several on line sites including and has her own blog at the Times of Israel. Genie has written notable academic peer reviewed articles for the Journal of Spanish, Portuguese and Italian Crypto Jewry and others, Her work has been showcased in the Jerusalem Post, The Miami Herald and publications around the world. She was awarded the State of Florida Genealogy award for her outstanding achievements and advances in the Pioneer work she has done in Genealogy.
She was recognized with the Medal of the Four Sephardic Synagogues in Jerusalem, a most prestigious honor.
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Roberto Otero is the Director and Director of Photography of the documentary “Between the stone and the flower; The Duality of the Conversos”. He has ample experience in television programming and commercial spots as well as documentaries and movies. Having produced in several countries, he is well versed in all aspects of the production, filming, sound, special effects and many other details that add the extra touch to his work.
Roberto currently has his own cooking show in Miami “Con sabor a Miami “which has been highly successful. His commercial spots have been multi varied for restaurants, chefs, and much more. His many productions in the Bahamas included documentaries for Cable and work for the Ministry of Education.
His formal education in Cuba includes the Instituto Cubano de Arte e Industria Cinematográfica (ICAIC), Cuba as well as the Escuela Nacional de Cine Radio y Televisión. He is currently the Operating Director of his firm, Alternative Audiovisual Products in Coral Gables, Forida. He may be reached at his email:

Roberto Otero and Genie Milgrom
The professional relationship between Roberto and Genie began many years ago as he filmed and photographed her for a DNA TV show, promos for her books and film spots of her Sefardic family cooking.
It was only logical that when the time came to direct and produce this film, Roberto, as Director of Alternative Audiovisual Productions in Coral Gables was the best choice to work hand in hand with Genie Their synergy and his passion for her story has been unparalleled. A match that has produced an amazing film.
Research for the film was carried out in locations that touched Genie’s Crypto-Jewish lineage such as Cuba. Spain, Portugal, Canary Islands, Cartagena,Colombia, Costa Rica, France, Key West and Miami,Florida.
The trailer can be viewed on this link: