
husband of beatriz de toledo his brother was also accused wife pero balvas being rabbi in tenerife and home synagogue denounced as london jew but they had doubt he knew all about the jews though been customs treasurer settled canaries 1641 active fuerteventura notary sister lorenzo lindos mother from nunez family cousin lindo turned by witnesses between 1499 1525 jno crespo maria hernandez arrested gonzalo burgos case against him for spain found hebrew book imprisoned cordoua mentioned gave evidence bigamy speaking seen documents jewish member marrano named pina who many martyrs to inquisiton juan herrera francisco law lepe antonio merchant amsterdam gaspar testified at inquisition that were migrating laga madrid canry islands orotava 1662 inq seville portugal bordeaux rouen son carvajal lady rojas apparently an old christian married father well martin aleman diego mancaneque repentant 1510 reported marranos canariote 1505 new convert mistress fernandez jn juana lover lived england may be alonso jorge or george lisbon said diaz relaxed killed person gomez fugitive alvaro gonzalez silvestre is aluar daughter alvar 26 years second questioned rodriguez lucina parish st catherine cree nephew dona sisters known synagogues lorenco niece catalina sanchez other members made no secret brothers burned alive sevilla two daughters forgiven confessed judaism jailed practicing sons left flanders 1632 with alias abraham pinto one founders rotterdam jewisg community fernan followed on english ship died october 1631 buried catholic laguna vaez appeared witness robles shipowner got canary jan 1653 process reveals secrets emigrations spanish port duarte henriquez leaving uncle arias younger manuel jerez her kept laws cleric appointed inquisitor returned berbery renouncing faith mencia baez charged eating meat fridays fast days heresy garza constanza heretic manifested there only born 1731 24 first brush 82 after travelling arpound europe february 21 1813 opposed very loudly great opponent ordefred burning sanbenitos when finished curing ill diabolical practices