for observing the law of moses 176949 registro number documental group no 61 inquisicion vol413 asking to be paid his salary 265201 97 real fisco de la 36 466 testifications against him 182751 vol669 mentioned in this file 176963 vol414 judaizer wife luis perez roldan 176546 vol380 being 178255 vol453 176778 vol395 about demanda on goods 265285 59 176 leonor baez their confiscated 265290 256 270 demand sebastian castro merchant from mexico shipment sesame owened by agustin 265291 37 271 285 el receptor del en contra nunez rojas su mujer para que declaren sobre dote esta llevo al matrimonio 265292 286 301 lazaro martin rabadan debts with 265294 311 351 diego campos bottle azafran sold 265298 425 437 various 265300 447 265301 467 471 gold rings 177256 vol427 letters inquisitions making reference bigamy 172660 vol223 witness sale slave bartolome diez carpenter 171768 vol141 daughter blanca enriquez was supreme jail 176379 vol371 testified 176707 vol390 and confiscation 177004 vol416 178266 inventory 264684 14 303 317 176879 vol412 denounced friendly antonio huerta portuguese 176670 vol388 jew 172862 vol360 did not respect images 192947 vol977 172664 heresy blasphemy 192323 vol944 apprehension order list 266091 fisico 113 152 accounts medicines 265092 153 237 heretical prayers 191978 vol925 172604 vol220 communicating prison dona cathalina maria her 207467 vol 1498 299 497 riva palacio heard these people talking gaspar alfar entre francisco leon dicha hija juan morales sosa 207468 498 526 communications others 207653 1531 136 236 testification 182133 vol607 lisbon inquisition 171130 vol102 172661 historical information 265707 82 508 265753 90 243 defaced christian saint 184656 vol741 son lorenzo angel condemned llerena gracia rol 172522 vol215 money 265212 487 properties zacatecas 265258 571 572 claims sugar mill santo domingo 265266 611 614 property owned 265547 147 414 brother some burned 171403registro vol125 angelo relapsed reconciled padre camargo 176293 vol368 documents 172656 owed 182132 portugues 171940 vol153 repentent 172746 vol252a auction 172770 vol254 descemdant new christians repentant 207445 volume 1493 169 is ana register 264603 20 171641 vol139 saying that you should admire god saints nor your 172801 vol255 177302 vol431 171960 vol159 father said he had bad devotion saturdays because they were days holy mary 173397 vol283 177535 vol435 calvin sect 173813 vol293 question affiliations 175455 vol352 178281 testimony havana 264667 12 252 272 charges 264943 31 96 106 176006 vol362 regarding debt which an heir 264780 21 222 273 demands 264802 22 380 386 183169 vol681 value writings 265456 48 209 213 jailed owes mendez villaviciosa 176974 certificate 175342 vol345 jewish 170073 vol59 letter madrid 172646 mulato sodomy 172663 172666 dutch 170038 vol52 sheep leg cooked well taken out sciatic nerve 177605 173215 vol278 practices already seen at zaragoza barcelona 193993 vol1038 has special genealogies 172662 allowed sell streets 176231 207439 1491 138 interesting facts jews 172838 vol276 176830 vol404 176943 178235 178100 other judaizers as 178682 vol472 blood cleansing nicolas aquino 169438 vol1a hearing mass suspected 170023 49 178264 document inquiry 265172 402 403 made lic 265485 51 108 121 pretends familiar clean 176256 176771 vol393 177484 vol433 descends 207207 vol1552 suspicion 187012 vol818 tried get married second time while living first martinez 197436 vol1145 jorge alvarez 171937 vol15 gods lopez 172766 killed 179447 vol489 264606 55 114 faith 177354 264638 89 95 relajado baltazar diaz 264705 15 344 347 husband who ill let go free 265366 41 310 audience debtors 265371 486 543 suarez 264674 60 69 265093 238 265179 424 265182 429 434 265183 435 444 178242 pena figueredo are debits 265118 297 265350 128 139 177330 264960 291 talks judgement 264692 control damages house 264693 115 118 mechandise delivered spain 265322 39 300 355 melchor valdez bergonza valdes trying collect 264710 16 172 404 details procesos 264719 17 105 264829 24 29 57 lima monies 264840 232 cases 264936 13 homes belonged 264985 33 321 322 case 264988 34 135 179 265150 358 359 creditors 265193 457 265200 465 confiscatesd 265219 501 504 265236 524 527 administration cargo coming manila 265283 40 54 265311 don alcalde mayor las minas parral 265372 42 relating 265502 53 205 362 involves 265527 56 92 presented 265528 93 214 those 265544 58 165 269 confisacted 265545 405 sanz almonacir salazar court 265673 76 353 370 177775 178258 twice punished peru 175066 vol335 177181 vol425 descendants 177712 172659 176581 vol383 185706 vol772 having 176422 vol373 sentenced 185332 vol758 sambenito 177015 lived tetuan years happy 178785 vol467 power attorney given tgo salaries jose dominguez donblasco bookeeper 265652 79 265363 281 283 265393 334 expenses when 265491 190 208 177249 sayings suspicious 182945 vol673 suspect judaism 201047 vol1295 264749 19 116 cruel slaves 178085 vol446 wants invoice bought munoz 265284 pfor two masses one day 187485 vol834 171932 vol151 173264 vol281 264856 25 352 381 writing book named history 193008 vol979 171160 vol105 trevino sobremonte nephew 176528 vol378 186230 vol789 3000 pesos 182624 vol658 169727 vol22 phillipines 177007 176975 judaizante 176877 food 264962 307 mendizabal 265568 62 194 houses 265560 149 196 187531 vol836 keepingthe hacienda jamaica 180561 vol530 brothers 181866 vol594 private secret 172652 effigy 181640 vol573 conifscated gomez filed 172777 183486 vol695 catalina caballero agaibst ortiz liebana so dowry can returned she alvaro 264845 439 niece lucena 207181 pretending protestant 198112 vol1171 mestizo defacing image christ 191782 vol916 176714 flogged statue 183839 vol713 187486 altamiro flogging 186792 808 died veracruz 179635 vol503 yepez 265696 43 264626 331 416 177134 vol421 176542 179033 vol474 177140 264944 107 176891 proceso indicates left 1648 177225 vol426 174066 vol302 impeded publication edict 172930 work 265277 647 turned declaration nieve 169388 relief 265257 558 570 265259 573 585 177094 vol419 monto 265368 357 461 180446 vol527 176937 176945 177214 practnicing 183424 vol694 207648 1529 117 264627 what 261647 141 261 juana gonzalez coins 264633 319 395 heretic isabel silva judaizing 176868 vol409 177033 vol417 180668 vol534 several foreign books trunk coast 202630 vol1356 177148 177162 vol423 last name conversos 175655 vol356 called dog 178751 partner margarita mortero hitting 192033 vol929 judaizer172664 supsected converso 169874 vol40 169728 265519 204 226 265520 227 buried field cozinas daughters night 196871 vol1121 succesor garcia bermejero 264608 119 124 178430 vol455 ship there ropes tie down could do it beard hair 178431 264611 181 220 264612 221 224 264615 292 326 169719 179099 vol475 fugitive 176789 vol398 ate meat catholic holiday 173207 178747 264604 177271 vol429 169724 vol2 supersititious 178452 vol456 172749 207440 264621 ruiz gabriel montenegro alonso vazquez orduna 264622 50 pedro sierra residente pueblo salaya celaya works butcher shop cuello coello 264631 279 172643 264956 234 eating forbidden friday never been confession 180726 vol536 unusual 200715 vol1398 kicked compania jesus 185421 vol759 using 173183 vol277 179537 vol497 condes penalva 265530 231 207202 171380 181608 vol572 came hercules port acapulco 1782 sailed cadiz 199241 vol1217 whole lineage 1735561 179636 176122 vol366 176655 179774 vol509 accusation 179775 determine vaue acosta imprisoned guatemala 264835 certain declarations 169760 vol26 172685 176834 vol405 177040 vol418 chocolate manuel also fernando rodriguez 264769 177056 177383 264963 32 265006 265111 287 accounting 592 265275 639 645 confiscating 265053 164 265482 67 73 265488 137 157 265260 586 589 177496 vol434 olivera 265304 479 484 bernardo 181897 vol596 177137 circumcised child 175316 vol343 places where have 176910 bringing silk 177645 visited albuquerque 187187 vol823 acts witchcraft idolatry pact devil 190631 vol876 176948 171924 vol150 172778 charged pay almeyda 172741 vol251a 264762 140 orders leave city 265070 mariana merida molina census passed carvajal family 264912 17303 vol263 including wines mirrors 264699 264700 166 179640 179572 vol499 distribution 265494 280 rebaptism 185991 vol781 its fugitve 20734 1488 177075 give arras generations 207432 127 264844 427 438 174895 vol328 cr9iminal cause murder 265506 85 112 265351 146 incldues 176967 vol415 will testament included caracas 264722 160 naming royal accountant 265171 400 401 death 182022 vol602 178142 vol450 sick 265522 274 282 187696 vol841 without priest treasurer miguel herrera 172651 investigation see if crucifix under desk really used put feet top 169416 messiah arrived 176699 173409 265665 hiding belonging condesa 265533 324 tomas otros reos oficio 264996 35 264999 302 320 donkey male arias 176755 vol392 circumsizing babies nail 171354 fragments 171356 hlding aeta 265008 23 173918 vol296 177332 burn 169494 vol3 threw up front stepped all over ot 1000 blashphemies 182589 vol653 auto da fe march 1575 172658 177088 177067 guadalajara 264703 184 250 mother 182697 vol666 176938 nieva 265319 197 grandson 184339 vol731 181491 vol560 176768 177277 176852 vol407 177457 178234 178696 vol464 tortured 177296 vol430 265493 poryuguese 172948 vol256 198170 vol1175 198199 would take sciatica 175598 hit spit 1487 11 207428 keeping rituals 173534 vol284 widow matos 207431 230 duarte almeida 171456 vol126 francisca known merchants medina campo 181462 vol558 265217 499 207429 near benavente taught converted 207430 233 372 rica primer se encuentra expediente numero tomo xi lote hay xiv pero numeracion si es continua 207435 1489 463 seized 264618 364 nava claiming indian 261642 68 atos 207438 1490 349 207645 1524 simon sevilla 265557 178 265645 75 215 capitan leyva cantabrana 265646 275 277 salas prieto 265648 336 possession 265432 45 176973 174018 vol301 chillon 265471 wanting back funds cofradia santisimo 169794 vol30 fbecause parents toledo hung church san vicente 177934 vol438 franco morera 265379 134 says 264624 soliciting 185924 vol777 177098 174615 vol316 clothing 265303 477 478 193975 vol1037 auctions testimonies favor 265523 261641 192990 vol978 synagoue kingston 197205 vol1133 177264 vol428 207701 1542 176770 176838 176822 vol403 179548 vol498 actions find cost 264846 177382 wanted baptized originally ecija strange 193123 vol988 182643 vol660 baz acevedo asks gave mateo zepeda 265391 329 265498 265020 52 265113 289 290 265114 265132 315 265148 356 265160 374 375 able 265215 491 496 inquisiton 265220 505 moors confessing directly accusations 185071 173673 vol291 176897 185187 vol753 176496 vol376 264625 257 330 violante 175282 vol342 beliesciatica nerveg things 178836 vol471 171959 177182 attornery naranjo 264870 28 27 265312 265336 156 202 171952 vol158 173102 vol271 ascendant dr urias villavicencio count monterrey 171954 175404 vol349 jasso lobato virgilio tlalpujahua fonseca 264632 318 173724 vol292 171458 vol127 178267 178268 184659 denying true mysteries 192384 vol946 264971 342 more 265433 46 176923 178263 176972 264666 251 old 176821 vol402 176924 176792 hs freedom 265357 188 liberty libertad una esclava virtud escritura trajo marcos 265359 200 169875 judaize 176294 teach indians 174414 vol309 descandant 175652 179310 vol486 spoke badly office 182101 vol604 locked 177674 dealing curacao 179138 vol477 person bearing arms wearing 174612 confesed maternal grandmother sambenitos hanging cathedral 174951 vol329 lawyer potosi silks blacks woman 178406 177152 181064 vol543 185114 vol751 juarez 265286 177 218 receipt construction materials 264900 giving 173642 vol289 mulata 180647 vol533 iconoclast ulua castle 187562 vol837 264872 71 74 264894 201 declared goa got world embarcation december 1688 182999 vol675 baotized again 183668 vol710 177359 vol439 265430 245 single 170213 vol155 172016 vol167 172771 173226 vol279 aguirre 265077 help 265124 304 305 265126 308 265184 445 265273 634 635 265242 536 lives extreme poverty 265223 509 defensor 265231 517 518 265582 65 accused jaxal 180548 176274 great grandchild 181493 171929 169725 demanded due angolan beloned 176756 264931 376 177011 fos 182637 265389 irreverant 265691 78 247 172472 vol213 gonzalo ferro 264614 260 man usurer 182143 175653 264903 235 177231 179516 vol495 amounts silver merchandise 265323 390 264641 179637 i1537 i1545 177233 170079 177239 182200 vol612 183366 vol689 portugeuse por 176411 vol372 176526 vol377 witnesses ramirez montilla 265490 189 265374 44 265380 150 161 265381 162 170 183307 vol685 cells 265630 325 178259 practicing 183917 vol718 176188 hell doesn exist servants festive 176987 owing mu oz alvarado 182601 vol654 inquistion 1574 171652 criminal statute 182060 170201 asked nicaragua apprehend 171711 264922 337 renegade 176593 vol384 conmutation punishment 175542 vol355 175664 abrego 172647 172566 vol217 tristan 172116 vol179 171992 vol164 swears israel 178213 vol452 264964 187199 vol824 embargo 264804 391 396 175433 vol350 183167 177095 264644 367 home 183581 vol704 176823 176835 charge arc three key 265555 florian rey alarcon 265556 mentions alfonso adjustment 265559 adjusted 265591 66 244 265592 183918 175815 265361 another 177036 178277 descendant granson 170171 vol66 enrique 176791 includes 176965 176725 vol391 181947 vol599 265369 462 tribunal 176633 vol386 265343 63 jacinto hernandez launderer 265344 64 times mistreated virgen 184207 vol727 172020 vol168 sister condemened 171947 vol1 169796 vol31 177163 quartet venice 171460 265470 265308 502 544 ministry 265340 wheat 265341 10 make payment founded pozo 265342 tacubaya betancourt 265345 80 gregorio 265346 100 265347 101 urbina 265348 torres 265362 quero 265370 485 169876 264847 eagainst 265309 545 showing rebellious disobedient 264678 173 191924 vol922 186821 vol811 words baptism 178885 174289 vol308 showed ocampo bernabe guerra espadero 1701046 vol90 tells sexual relationship them saw nativity scene idols 174694 vol318 captain olivares graxeda defense prove 176786 vol397 176692 vol389 265295 371 villanueva job 265305 488 vazchino 265307 265353 154 174 fromths 264688 393 sacred 187800 vol845 175067 tax collector 265173 holland escape excommunication 179265 vol483 182611 vol656 176147 182441 vol633 178228 inquisitor franciscan genealogy 173090 vol268 265165 382 383 sounding language 173705 264959 284 181957 vol600 host but only bread 169713 vol20 cacao 265426 176494 187563 sole shoe picture crucified 190596 178356 178274 rivera observes 207651 407 judaizantes many 207703 185 177210 176929 177212 177211 178272 172956 176831 176947 178131 vol449 178275 superstitious 179420 vol487 176765 176779 vol396 176782 176799 vol399 176800 176952 176960 178265 granada 176357 vol369 part 176773 vol394 176863 vol408 179417 176801 rafael 176824 176832 basement 176901 176968 178262 179416 179551 rivero flog 181610 177834 vol436 176925 179573 uncle 179549 172743 registration no104671 ramo 685 176955 moneys 264686 328 348 264834 168 171 aguirreis 265078 217 176804 armijo 265468 roxas or vaez himself 176776 176970 176795 bigamy172659 assigned 265192 456 171349 264924 346 castillo 173366 187215 bigamist expelled apostate religion 178703 vol465 dogmastic blasphemed 185025 vol748 taking 178474 vol457 266030 insultung children judged 171650 265321 246 176766 178279 177386 179643 rebaptizing 186979 vol817 agaist 265454 99 125 176556 vol381 265289 255 178269 177372 264715 178405 176815 vol401 178260 175187 vol339 177500 172616 vol221 175148 vol337 espinosa 176866 184084 vol722 182633 vol659 off legs 174022 appointed rents 169412 171962 vol160 172732 vol249 year round reserving hear bed 177733 180099 vol520 nation 180470 vol529 posession 265007 jeronimo sustitucion soto 265116 293 295 265117 296 servant 173301 175813 264938 drowned island boronga 176873 vol410 186775 vol808 265690 203 182232 vol614 177485 177620 issues 265507 177617 magdalena victoria 264774 341 christain 184213 265647 278 298 176370 vol370 187489 264918 return andrada altamirano castilla 264865 109 182832 vol671 265469 180967 vol540 187490 pieces governor nueva vizcaya 265384 193 trujillo cuenca cartagena shows confessed villabona zubiarre 176386 campuzano fuentes belong rodriguiez later burnbed along 177246 crimes sentence 190014 vol854 190418 vol866 264687 389 190547 vol873 beinga 176108 vol365 178959 falsifying sent tlaxcala 185518 vol761 everyonein 177829 bludgeoned 183783 heredia ines velarde olavarria mendoza 265677 265678 lopar vallinas martir jurisdiccion izucar 265679 77 87 aragon conterasfor shirts 265680 88 111 terreros 265681 redondo salvador 265682 120 funeral costs 265683 265684 151 265685 265686 180 265687 187 265688 pemin 265689 195 265692 248 259 doctor blas arteaga 264 carlos navia fulgencio vega enhancements 26564 265 185594 vol767 embraced 178498 borello 206513 1500 sanchez escobar escribano rent 264707 417 audiencias 177248 mantilla 207446 processed 172840 horse chair brakes 173160 vol274 265167 british four 181246 vol551 nother say cousin 177540 181686 vol579 shadow street 177543 175407 176554 181704 vol582 rebaotized 192612 vol954 187188 265395 264945 129 sworn 265315 176772 176936 181639 villegas 264671 264698 163 176007 177458 170027 vol49 desa 170212 bothering gil threatening kill 172601 vol218 261633 171976 vol161 182219 vol613 confuscated 264616 327 264623 261639 264899 228 229 169571 vol14 vol298 henriquez reconcilied 264599 exp 264602 176926 ruy nieto 264704 343 hidalgo beloging montoya 265066 grandfather lemus edicts 595 606 176927 173209 171955 171956 264957 moreyra 176416 knew now 177716 171957 againstc 172523 170218 vol157 179917 vol511 flores 264727 239 182134 moxito 1697813 vol32 autos 176715 176940 hebrew might 181125 vol546 176865 176954 179421 179583 vol500 177303 176748 177238 176761 174020 265360 176749 178105 vol447 264939 177494 duran vol652 176811 vol400176811 vol400 193390 i1824 i1832 vol1002 elena tinoco 176837 payba 171948 omas peralta observant 176763 178681 vol463 264600 265313 179641 belico jails 176797 176932 176941 177089 178250 178261 264772 lucerna 171939 vol152 176805 176920 177068 178271 181580 vol569 confiscaion ane 264620 575 171946 machado lift term habit penitence 176211 177091 kept 207447 volumen justa 261635 122 enter 172501 vol214 261644 176935 171941 stranger 177516 176855 173355 179426 vol488 183646 vol706 aunt 207179 177103 mines taxco soldier regisment asturias crown town teacher haciendas rancho viejo encarnacion 200423 vol1272 cardoso 176785 177385 179271 ximon beatriz 170209 vol154 company heretics fighting side catholics 177323 176746 judauzer 176836 176917 177374 264673 264955 176827 175369 sandoval high recimendations even though went complete 191861 vol920 doings 191355 vol904 182184 vol611 176969 265956 130 335 174156 vol303 portuese 191973 vol924 174648 vol317 supect 173505 macau binondoc written 195713 vol1227 183207 vol683 dead 176563 vol382 173144 207119 commision conde 261640 reparations room 265628 70 we save ourselves 173384 264630 262 171996 supposing 198956 vol1203 171296 vol119 spite repetant 178195 uspected 174453 vol312 wears hermit 180314 vol522 simple fornication sin 197585 vol1149 177093 177111 1769230 178246 179666 264953 207 265495 176527 requests permission travel search sisters travelling per ordered 264770 176870 advice 177143 esquivel alzate 265503 26 inventories 266029 184776 vol745 fernandez segura poryugeuse land better than 180858 vol677 shipent lisboa 264768 sea 176807 264946 192458 vol949 172977 black 264619 365 177405 vol473 conformity suspecting 171936 177046 176933 182023 causes 264947 174212 vol304 doing 186784 portugueses 182127 vol606 calvinist 16934 xalpa tabasco 181725 vol584 173693 264972 354 imprisonment 176758 265597 265598 294 265599 265600 eriza esquiroz mayordomo 265601 366 265602 377 265603 pof 207449 178862 265246 540 541 lucas mejia brought 265375 192933 vol976 265595 175481 vol353 186462 vol776 helper barber 264896 206 182591 175854 179639 chist good 177830 176259 264895 papers tobe solider 199326 vol1233 264748 18 178227 chistians 171961 clergy raised santa friend 198687 vol1191 199585 vol1234 200653 vol1324 revelations face license 179106 179220 vol478 176689 need pray 173056 vol267 tormented 171973 172767 172774 173593 vol285 fridays absolved 172811 documentgroup mateos 169790 178187 prohibited 174480 175951 177489 177384 176148 264726 169465 interpreter 175693 206514 1501 261636 123 176558 177227 texoso 179642 177633 178239 178238 182825 vol670 177501 264754 83 erroneaous 172712 171935 264605 confircated 176817 circumsized 175656 171914 vol148 181710 vol583 171974 169735 vol23 169729 barbero llerena1701046 264764 144 176597 listed record 264933 378 bautista 264613 225 infractions 183844 172934 187687 againt 207180 264636 81 garci bermejo punushed owning articles 171640 vol136 177511 eat pork 178290 vol454 took 175947 luisa acuna guzman coniscated 264610 265515 arteta 265516 265517 142 264755 84 181109 confiscatuion 181110 183187 vol682 177606 264792 jewelry 182607 vol655 265302 472 476 170078 vol56 punihed staying 177640 177241 housing agency 265352 264836 182 184824 vol798 173984 178102 capital santiago tenextepango whose owners pujadas mills huitzilac coauixtla cassasano chinameca atotonilco xalostoc 265594 previously 183840 practiced 174956 vol331 leaving kitchen treated smoky 179225 181089 vol544 264746 333 264675 264676 264677 vol261 169411 quiahuistlan 172571 arrest 178895 degradng 172687 vol238 treating 172688 169410 169722 170067 vol58 171953 171897 vol146 169782 182201 177497 poruguese 178744 177070 171986 vol162 172733 vol251 someone 170698 vol82 179909 183205 aunts hang chicicapa 176896 hurtado 173960 199719 vol1240 jedwish spaniards 174909 265299 446 176754 pastor ortega moreno queretaro 264827 264951 183 176744 mistreating throwing rosary 190727 vol890 plus palm read especially full grace 173550 175949 product love violence 192416 vol947 265170 399 171109 vol99 174008 183963 172607 concha 196215 vol1101 171851 vol142 207442 1492 mencia then 169401 prayingthe gloria patri after psalms 178558 vol461 181020 little girl 171465 176263 commission 265478 174911 176170 vol367 regalon 170211 172754 clara does punioshments 176286 207436 into important position 265103 267 176944 176921 174600 176928 171972 divorce mestiza learned 169765 vol29 177085 forbidding 178878 petronila montealegre 169452 portugal 174981 vol333 184482 vol735 185038 renaging cross 169689 vol18 179027 173287 180092 177114 174756 vol320 177142 liquidation store 265390 265392 173478 wrong 173586 177086 176790 much data here traffic angola 264747 177237 wasn 183092 vol680 265317 110 acused 177135 181855 vol593 memory clothes wore 182013 vol601 181924 vol598 confisation 176750 vidante prado 176752 175019 179576 176461 vol375 178247 264954 176783 187134 vol821 176661 177499 dressing 195235 vol1072 182728 vol668 177045 protocols 264690 jaramillo 265373 265383 192 overlooking 265197 553 554 194156 vol1042 176622 175950 264601 264881 47 265310 593 602 177240 177507 account lara cattle 265320 198 265580 socks bottom 174529 marriage docs grandaughter fringes 173140 vol273 207441 prisons 264629 91 261632 oliver owner 264639 dogmatist bring 173153 207647 264617 1495 171913 179638 176951 177704 general instead quiroga 173025 riding grabdaughters bones 177673 182281 vol619 178551 vol460 english doent believe 171202 vol111 172157 vol182 casas 264637 185959 207460 38 candles 194040 171949 169789 denounces 169942 vol43 177080 176939 178280 182126 vol605 185622 176803 176934 177373 dresses 172775 182018 177082 xuarez going set sail coimbra 176872 176942 176875 170249 vol209 264640 1701206 calling dogs 176431 176767 observed serves sits 207456 177096 264685 correspondence between 264736 288 264753 264940 adjusting 264744 264838 219 177542 264706 marques villena 265256 555 557 265324 265325 hands 265326 felipe salgado 265327 jewels 265328 antonia legaspi jug 265330 265331 72 agreements hector maracaibo 265332 orozco 265333 126 againts wine casks 265334 265337 268 265338 ferreira 265339 265396 265397 265398 date vargas resident campeche 265399 86 belongings 265400 zavala frigate 265401 265402 94 103 265403 104 vinegar 265404 265405 leonel navarro 265406 145 gorozpe puebla 265407 167 zaure 265408 received 265409 212 diverse 265410 265412 266 bustamante venezuela 265413 265414 265415 claim 265416 265417 florida 265418 148 owns 265419 examine 265420 returning bachiller ojeda custody 265421 312 265422 265423 estrada vecino 265424 265425 265427 211 questions 265428 sepulveda 265429 payments 265438 bonilla freight 265439 requesting documentos 265440 265442 265443 265444 265445 276 323 confisdcation 265467 abount knitter 265473 265475 265354 175 179584 264681 264682 264937 265287 ceremonies 173758 265492 juidaizer 176869 182255 vol616 claimed 176753 178243 171450 cordoba 175817 176775 177079 recinciled 176236 181852 vol592 264734 133 portuguuese 169786 178171 descendent 170613 vol80 manchado sword ridiing 174258 177234 177235 265388 178257 183329 179577 178101 enemy religious 197990 vol1169 palomeque 265367 river 174058 otras diligencias suscritas cita 264839 184100 169723 264993 249 264765 182544 vol644 182916 valera alvarado182136 broker 182137 espina 182138 guevara pueblaowes 182139 182587 davila galindo 182588 ariaowes 182590 182592 egistro bydon pastrana grajales 182593 182594 vidal 182595 hernando marquez 182596 capitains anddon 182597 parra morgal wif andy montero peregrina 182598 asturrieta ostava 1825959 182600 alejandro cespedes molinar mazo 182602 guillen 182603 182604 chacon 182605 182606 eustacio coronel benavides 182608 182609 negreros 182610 brocal 182612 gallardo 182614 182615 soloezano 182623 sopena arzola owe 182625 arellano 182626 rubio 182627 182668 vol663 box white 182669 182670 college graduate linares cholula 182671 flotilla 1683 ftrom farm vallarta huis 182613 264757 98 102 207205 chargeof 264869 264871 holding 265548 265553 314 172008 vol166 mas confess 171950 pacheco 264828 264668 gone 264718 264728 264738 180477 refused testify 174647 183004 lagunas rebatism rodrigiez turning head porftuguese 174163 young 179855 vol510 isbael valle 177541 170208 salve dee los reyes plata hacing notes forth prisoners 172581 265477 pereira 171249 vol115 174028 264949 155 171958 176913 177077 178251 169736 179582 176914 176529 vol379 177087 177226 176238 171457 177084 formal very 176650 vol387 181497 174513 176953 264665 264659 264660 264661 159 lawsuit millan signed 264663 264664 illuminati 172425 176726 170643 vol81 176982 179483 vol492 264724 matias vinol 178241 176950 padilla 176751 judaizwer 176878 176956 178245 264958 265264 184039 vol721 177232 177230 261637 241 following curator 264635 drag statues 176813 264721 fo rthe 179896 184296 vol729 told wash 175366 173278 wotchcraft 178341 185764 vol775 176463 182207 uspect 176472 170030 175249 breaking 191411 vol907 265288 bazuchil hrist 189839 vol848 178218 capitain navy suspicipus pass torment 176812 179212 ostracized indias 183419 vol693 burmed scanalous 192730 vol967 179858 embargoed 265465 216 178364 renegging infantry 187315 vol829 174458 178455 sle foot golden letting fall telling call virgin demon 177526 178726 177493 175331 vol344 177361 169726 174568 vol315 farmer 177504 why 177656 184693 174681 177282 169733 175322 264994 313 aguado 265358 199 173979 182135 265474 178278 184274 173623 i675 i689al vol287 175402 vol348 187186 pick 1782334 265472 207654 1532 171455 261638 242 hate 176512 corresponence 264729 pascuala whom punishments such tortures 202929 vol1368 179414 264948 piece shape 265355 177508 miner rosa cuisihuiriachi 185666 vol770 179977 vol514 guard talk road 185602 vol757 186523 vol797 179679 unjustly 177879 vol437 villa 191551 vol912 264607 265663 176992 187686 171449 jonacatepec 186989 185477 vol760 purgatory 194844 vol1061 265660 shot bullet peter 178224 lent 173535registro healthy 174100 always 174120 175842 184550 vol737 176848 179899 174010 264848 264965 264966 265065 sure 265082 223 265487 158 265489 heirs 265581 covarrubias 178252 175209 177109 178103 173507 17505 vol354 177174 vol424 advise arrested 179844 171374 171592 vol135 179574 sebastain 170207 173186 request 176213 173802 179415 264950 way live 171928 send 172512 ceifino maestre galeon 264908 judaizer170220 reclused 176853 bosque 176864 177058 177092 behind 264730 264731 inquisicion18 264732 264733 fructuoso cotino 264737 264739 bueno 264740 villareal 264741 264742 316 264745 332 melchora 264752 264758 264759 ranzon 264760 264761 264763 143 264771 264773 264775 264776 394 264941 inquisicion31 265000 373 264743 170216 vol156 171951 171971 172764 vol254a 172765 176156 177108 178167 since 264782 443 176810 173588 177069 penitent 178199 178232 171926 170219 171133 vol103 aution 172748 vol252c 170214 173567 sweep saturday 174023 178792 hat 186813 goes regstro 207448 178244 182634 176521 264878 173184 176212 confirmation 179020 178253 175654 171975 176918 bazan 177247 177252 philppines services 264701 171350 207433 171459 171920 vol149 water entered 177527 176867 170205 178540 vol458 179578 176919 171886 vol145 181728 265293 licenciado paredes 265306 489 495 confuiscated 265364 173360 207443 264645 benito lamadrid ledezma 264646 cardenas 264647 264648 264649 pretel 264650 210 laure feci 264651 264652 264653 264654 258 aviles cortes velasco marta phoenix 264655 264656 264657 599 176777 176476 207141 176957 178240 183302 264642 177380 simona 177081 200754 vol1283 balboa 176757 superstition titles zenesto zacuto doctors 183180 rode 1762462 lujuria dressed 173154 170070 done business 185033 177688 169414 182586 265169 keeper 265211 265194 458 265349 suspented 170075 seemed bigamy172660 reference172660 172611 264717 175328 183335 194697 vol1052 186829 pock marked 172863 moscoso saa portillo rafaela appointing 265098 herbalist 174149 juderia 176060 vol363 186335 vol792 washed body dresed 177564 264735 door entrambasaguas 17068 killing cows 200956 vol1292 rich 176619 vol385 178297 174891 jewsh 169413 185193 177251 179911 confscation nunflo colindaes 177255 theson parent 179151 183624 190196 vol859 opened officials come bethlehem palestine 191873 185790 174050 182242 176871 179418 violent fights 176774 176931 country finish 178002 vol442 177151 264714 temino tecolotan 264716 265017 attend 193884 vol1033 176110 171989 vol163 172744 172942 bound virtues 176860 177377 176828 176843 vol406 solicitor 177381 178248 179129 177378 177379 207652 264766 264767 265314 176874 178256 186391 vol793 176819 178273 179740 vol504 officer 265143 176780 eats bacon guests 174482 182048 vol603 176839 notary 265203 265269 626 265276 646 couple angels burnt thatit crosses 170217 175513 177229 207459 264952 renounced 176664 264669 264670 240 176095 176117 178249 174431 vol311 264756 opposed 19498 vol1044 musician regiment 193849 vol1032 173751 176849 176876 vol411 179779 170215 177018 speaks 177139 181804 vol586 177298 177117 castelo branco 176788 176997 264843 412 426 working vaz 177153 178270 169730 265695 379 bushels corn 265531 181934 superstiticious 176375 178098 176946 177376 175482 176443 vol374 201922 vol1331 173759 broken witneses 172002 vol165 181997 declares friends different sects 176244 185784 tomasa olivare 196436 vol1108 198211