monk jesuit died in medina del campo 1561 military and before 1589 1584 mexico served el conde was known as rabbi burnt at the stake his brother francisco hernan 1591 inquisition prison age 14 lived house 1547 1553 never left sevilla she devout jew 1564 married 1582 her sister catalina de leon arrested portugal second wife of melchior belchior vaz son brites daughter brite husband isabel nunez antonio marquez half alvaro leao about 1570 benavente 1550 named balthasar leonor valladolid born fermoselle first cousin maria fernan lopez accountant francisca gutierre vazquez treasurer to this date city 1590 friar dominican 1596 1566 1599 1601 settled livorno 1524 after 1655 1563 1580 1608 1572 1648 or 1640 1653 probably buried 1512 1520