lived in oudezijds achterburgwal near st anthonistraat boerverdriet nieuwehoogstraat kipdorp jodenbreestraat not francisco de caceres author verversgracht basque merchant abraham aboab osorio cabellero santiago dijkstraat breestraat leprozenburgwal huiszittenhaus on the blauw brug judica henriques vlooeinburg abram baruch guimarains moyses van salomon several buried oudekirk with same name owned sugar mill 1555 but 1626 son bearing is person as lopes countinho soap factory michel porto street rua dos cabides inquisition coimbra childless bullavida childrenr from first marriage mozes prison david nahemias pascoal vlooienberg kourte houstratte huiszittenhuis joseph isaac jesurun espinosa sao paulo quarter of lisbon barber helena breestratt