on may 11 he takes part in court case between abad manilan and the villagers of zacays other mentions 1434 1435 son juda perez tax collector servant to count santa marta identified refered document as jewish fled france inquisition detained denis family his friends antonio was father oduario arias is also mentioned citation from historical archive reference this person living along neighbors francisco spouse by under suspition judaizer beacause friend left for many conversos came out jews widow juan de lisboa new christians descendants portugal who previously had galicia she returned prosecuted house colodro wife ordona children during king pedro castile leon ordered tanach known kennicott bible which made coruna elias law sells brother abraham money lender suspicion xudeo maor dos xudeos moradores esta vila chief rabbi town mosen middle upper class since they pay higher taxes than their same stree rua documents artist decorated mother were both it says ojo es cristiano nuevo means be careful christian appears until 1497 converso name luis alonso rivadavia governor last mention city council promised canicouba street another him 1467 spelling liom leom daugther cide will maria rodrigo fernandes lima owned 1500 maravedies marcos mayor gave don should give dona marina jacob monarchs intervened favor accused dormir con cristianas having sex with women denied prepared ointments cures scribe finished third day month aviv year 5236 creation 24th july 1476 maurino mouros mauros mor meant south where population mediterranean type nova jewess blondy jew legal patient alvaro paradela witness donation santiago compostela referred pais recived an albala royal letter or certification viera lion paid debt 100 worked referenced makes that used samuel judia previous salomon coverso garcia alvares presented against but does not specify motive 250 vasco moncao duque arjona