
this data base was obtained from the studia rosenthaliana amsterdam notarial deeds pertaining to portuguese jews in up 1639 they are numbered 4000 lived near st anthonistraat on boerverdriet lucia an inquisition prison coimbra portugal nieuwehoogstraat kipdorp jodenbreestraat francisco rodrigues caceres is not brother gracia and thomas cousins he verversgracht sao paolo quarter of lisbon childless with bullavida but children first marriage inquistion belchior mendes father marta francisca phelipa rua dos cabildes rachel who his second wife also cousin michiel owned soap factory saint porto monso gonsalo love child ester buried 1555 1626 son bearing same name oudekirk juan luis henriques sugar mill oudezijds achterburgwal christovao caballero de santiago guiomar breestraat ruy dijkstraat manuel da costa oliveira alias used spain there several jacob juda leo isabel late trancoso kourte houstratte huiszittenhuis rifca vlooienberg vlooeinburg some placs it mentions that felipa live had named alonso pillto husband died duarte both uncle law jorge huiszittenhaus blauw brug beatris nunes fronteira another spose antonio dias spouse branca fonseca leprozenburgwal