lived in miranda do douro 1643 baptism records benavente 1556 1555 shoemaker and baptized 1546 notary carbajales de alba 1611 witness 1557 1577 1582 knitter marriage 1591 1606 1563 1605 alcanices 1547 daughter of the licenciado alvarez 1574 1575 1576 tailor 1588 1592 1604 1608 second wife manuel nunez mentioned documents married 1602 1559 prison coimbra inquisition valladolid 1626 valladolis priest 1573 1558 1583 store owner 1565 1593 son antonio bezzera documento notario en 1620 1589 last will testament doctor moor 1527 had already died baptisms 1571 notarial 1528 scribe 1572 declared new christians 1564 1627 1625 fermoselle he was patriarch mr benavides 1562 1603 single mogadouro sister beatriz margarida 1560 benavente1576 villarino manzanas alminera record obligacion 1598 merchant property renter braganza gaspar rodriguez genebra lopes leaseholder sentenced 1662 25 1644a valladlid 1624 1561 1545 farmer related to ramires 1548 1607 martinez elder captain general servce king portugal cortijos near also butcher brother catarina leao 1622 cloth inquistion rag seller surgeon 1566 1579 christoval 15569 prior lisbon francisco files 1595 father carvajal vargas as widow after born then 1578 mayor 1531 his law duarte first evora bernabe clara 1688 teacher conde sailor nun roiz living document quintanal burgos process 1544 before from spain cousin fernan her husband 1570 isabel nunes at hands french going india for spaniards medina del campo maker silversmith dispenser butler diego leon contractor guinea richly lencero santa maria renueva gomez ysabel valencia judge orphans 1568 1616 hernando juan ramirez mother julian pastry chef guard known jewish converso toledo baker catalina flores vallejo oviedo alonso tordesillas 1550 velaciones landlord pedro ynes uncle alameda 1629 salazar upholsterer pharmacist 1786 keeper aunt helena helema dowry letter ines garcia luis villegas ybias cristobal mention diez regidor ana enriquez haberdashery 1619 blanca mendez bartolome is esteba residente ravano remesal niece leonor andre grandfather arrested 1618 zamora fernandes testified against jorge fernandez children goldsmith apprentice left during plague resident olva casilla marquid le decian la cebollera 1507 casero hospital losilla land sales sold family judaizer 1741 1599 on trial only one eye macias roque gonzalez not church godfather mogadouto 1652 rabbi olivera spice man fruit san herreria governor accountant wtness vaca pesquera alcanizes angela brites ion cart driver carpenter grande servant sebastian andres hernandez torzano blacksmith treasurer alfioli sal locana addressed dona harp player inqusistion midwife let go pope clement viii jubilee 1678 deported widowed twice diogo child da paz sebastiao godmother 1594 seaman missing cape verde 1600 bookseller rua nova 10 years sendim 1632 procurer lantern someone lopez important bookeeper 1590 balthasar code when say they were home founder hija portuguese madrastra she magistrate avila shopkeeper bartholome lorenzo customs broker christian prisons guarda benavente1555 don pimentel muniz storyteller mama los hijos conversa beatrice er twin marina miguel business barber alcnices locksmith bricklayer back bras nephew vinhais no farm identified by domingos returned became 1641 1613 relative hers tanner auto fe tt tso il 28 2494 killed torre tombo grandson genie milgrom 13th great grandmother cook el benavnte head cuenca johan auditor spervisor condewitness rodrigues carcao bordeaux 1596 figuerela abaxo sock simon shmatas inquision felipe por necesidad 1647 geronimo jesus fcsca encarnacion got out wedding militar end gutierre francisca luisa gonzalo organ